8 min 39 sec

TV Producer Invents Sustainable Toothpaste Alternative

After traveling non-stop for her job, a TV producer aims to reduce her plastic consumption.

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What It's About

This toothpaste is better than ... toothpaste.

Words of Wisdom

When Lindsay feels burnt out, she goes back to why she started this business in the first place. “Because my love is for the planet and conservation, when things feel too heavy, I re-watch Plastic Ocean or go for a run on the beach and pick up trash – anything to reset and remind myself of why I am doing what I’m doing and why it’s worth it. No matter what difference you want to make on this planet, lean into that and you’ll have the world on your side.”

Fun Fact

When it comes to starting a business, Lindsay said to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. “It will never go away so embrace it fast. As soon as you climb one mountain, there will be another one right behind it that will require a whole new skill set so get used to the fact that you will always feel like you’re in unfamiliar territory and that's okay - it means you’re doing something new.”

Notes from Chris

Episode 2061

Six years ago, Lindsay McCormick was sick of all her plastic toothpaste containers. As a producer for the show House Hunters, Lindsay had to travel frequently for her job. She found herself constantly throwing away toothpaste tubes over and over, and all of the waste just didn’t align with her values.

She knew there had to be a better way to consume toothpaste that didn’t add to the ever growing amount of plastic in the oceans and landfills.

In looking for alternatives, everything she found either used plastic in some way, or didn’t taste good. Lindsay was convinced that she could make a product that was the perfect combination of being plastic free and minty fresh.

Back at home after another trip, Lindsay sunk her teeth into online chemistry classes. She found a Reddit thread about how to take free courses through accredited universities, even prestigious schools like MIT.

She also reached out to every dentist and dental hygienist she could find to make sure she was on the right track. If she was going to invent a new kind of toothpaste, she needed to know how it worked.

Over time, Lindsay began to learn how to make toothpaste from scratch. In total, she took $6,000 in her savings to bring her idea to life. After playing with the recipe for a while, she decided to create small toothpaste tablets with a hand-press machine. They were dry and could be stored in reusable containers.

The tablet design was far less messy than the typical squeeze tube, and in turn easier to travel with and store. With her research, she learned how to create a recipe that would allow customers to pop a tablet in their mouths, bite it, then brush with a wet toothbrush. As the user brushed, it would foam up just like the toothpastes many of us are used to.

She called her invention Bite, otherwise known as “Because it’s the Earth.” Lindsay ended up launching it with her boyfriend, Asher Hunt, in 2016.

Early on, most of her customers were her friends and family members who were also passionate about sustainability. With their feedback, she refined her product. They would let her know if the taste was weird or if it didn’t foam enough, and Lindsay would modify the recipe until they were satisfied with the brushing experience. She also ensured that Bite was FDA approved for airplanes, so she and her customers could bring the tablets on their travels.

Next, she began to sell it on Etsy while continuing to work in television. Within the first year of business, Lindsay made over $6,000 and broke even from her initial investment.

Once her sales began to increase in 2017, she decided to stop relying on Etsy and focus on her own website. At first, she just used a template she found online and uploaded some photos from her iPhone, but soon her boyfriend gave her the birthday present of redoing the site. It was now called BiteToothpasteBits.com.

The following year, Women’s Health reached out to Lindsay to highlight Bite. They wanted to highlight woman-owned small businesses and asked to publish a video about her. The video was a hit, and soon after other outlets picked up on it. Traffic skyrocketed and she was brushed with sales. At that point Lindsay and Asher knew it was time to quit their day jobs. They needed more time to dedicate to Bite.

With her internet fame and growing success, Lindsay was then able to land an appearance on Shark Tank to pitch her idea and search for investments from the sharks. She and Asher ended up turning down a six-figure deal from both Mark Cuban and Kevin O’Leary.

Lindsay describes the experience as intense. When she and Asher went on the show, they were offered over $300,000 for 15% in the company. However, they had decided what they were comfortable with ahead of time and they couldn’t reach an agreement. Lindsay and Asher knew the sharks would just be taking too big of a bite out of the company.

Looking back, she remains confident in her decision. Their success has continued over the years and Bite is now an 8-figure business. Not only that, but the brand now sells more than just toothpaste.

Staying with the personal care theme, Lindsay invented the first ever plastic-free deodorant. Seeking to stop the 15 million pounds of deodorant packaging that end up in the world’s landfills and oceans every year, Lindsay made a reusable metal container.

After a one time purchase of $12, users can keep refilling the same container with their new bars of deodorant. They also created a whitening gel, mouthwash bites, and body balm all with the philosophy of “no plastic ever.”

In the future, Lindsay hopes to keep building her now full-time business - without biting off more than she can chew.


  • Learn more about Bite from Lindsay's website, TryBite.com.

Inspiration is good; inspiration combined with action is better. Now get back to work!

Yours in the revolution,


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Season 9 (2025): JAN | FEB |

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Season 5 (2021): JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |

Season 4 (2020): JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |

Season 3 (2019): JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |

Season 2 (2018): JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |

Season 1 (2017): JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |



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Quote of the Day
"What surprised me in a good way is the level of support I got from other small businesses, particularly in Philly. Since this is my first business and a very unique idea, I was nervous people would think it was stupid. While it's true that not everyone sees the value, most people's reactions are very positive. Other small business owners are always happy to collaborate and help. "
—Vivian Burcescu #SideHustleSchool

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To infinity and beyond,

Chris Guillebeau