A side hustle isn’t just nice, it’s necessary.
If you’re trying to make a big change, a hustle can help you build a foundation to move on to something else. If you love your day job, that’s great too—the hustle will provide a creative outlet and a backup plan.
Either way, you need a hustle of your own.
When you have more than one source of income, you’re no longer dependent on a single employer. You’ll have much greater opportunity. You’ll learn new skills. Oh, and you’ll also have … more money.
When you have more than one paycheck arriving every month, you feel better about yourself. You look to the future differently, and you consider a wider set of options as you make decisions.
It’s also fun. Starting a side hustle is like “playing entrepreneurially” without making a huge commitment. The stakes are low and the potential is high.
You need a hustle. So how do you start one?
It all starts with learning to think differently, and then taking action on your ideas. Here’s how you do it:
- Subscribe to the show. It’s free. It comes out every morning, every single day. It’s also short—each episode is less than 10 minutes long. By listening to the show, you’ll hear different stories of how ordinary people have all started a hustle without quitting their job, and by using the skills they already have.
- Get the books. If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide to go from idea to income in 27 days, look no further. Want more ideas and some helpful tips? Learn more about the Side Hustle and 100 Side Hustle books.
- Start brainstorming ideas. Ideas are everywhere! Over time, you’ll learn that not all hustle ideas are created equal. You don’t want just any idea—you want profitable ideas. It’s okay, however, if you’re not sure what makes a good idea. You’ll learn that as you go along.
- Learn to go from idea to action. The skill of generating ideas is highly valuable, but you only truly unlock the ideas when you put them into action. The Side Hustle School method is action-focused. You need to start quickly, probably before you’re ready.
- Invest in yourself. You don’t need to spend much money. Here are some free or low-cost resources that can help, but by far, your most important investment is time. Spend 20 minutes a day working on your hustle, even if it’s just writing down your ideas and questions. Choose to make this a priority.
I started Side Hustle School with a clear mission in mind. My commitment to you is that if you take this process seriously and make it your priority, I’ll do everything I can to help you succeed.
It’s not a fantasy. There’s a hustle waiting for you. Are you in?
Yours in the revolution,
Chris Guillebeau
About Chris Guillebeau
Challenging authority since 1978.
Connect with Chris on Twitter, Instagram, on his blog, or your choice of worldwide airline lounges.
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