8 min 23 sec

Recruiter Gives Pink Slip to Boring Resumes

After helping a number of job-seeking friends, a recruiter decides to monetize her resume skills.
Resume Service Writing

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What It's About

A technical recruiter levels-up traditional resumes and earns over $3000/month.

Business Model
Skills Required
Writing & Marketing
Profit Potential

Words of Wisdom

Chelsey cautions side hustlers not to accept advice from everyone. “Some people will discourage your idea because they've never started anything on their own. They're not successful, so they don't think you will be. They might have good intentions, but keep them at arm's length when it comes to business advice.”

Fun Fact

Chelsey listens to a certain Nicki Minaj song before job interviews, annual reviews, speaking engagements, or any situation that scares her. Listening to that song makes you feel like, well … you can fill in the blank if you know the song.

Notes from Chris

Episode 1450
As a technical recruiter for the past five years, Chelsey Opare-Addo was the go-to resume writer for friends and relatives on the job hunt. After all, smart and successful people AREN’T always great writers. But they still need a strong resume to put their best foot forward.

Chelsey had plenty of experience reviewing job applications for her work. She knew what makes a resume stand out. So during Thanksgiving week in 2019, she decided to use her expertise to launch, Not Your Mother’s Resume. The name was inspired by Chelsey’s modern, eye-catching approach to resumes. These were NOT the formal, traditional resumes from days of old.

Chelsey had the idea on a Friday. By Monday, she was already accepting clients. To launch quickly and inexpensively, she didn’t create an LLC, write a business plan, or spend money on a website. Instead, she started an Instagram account called @notyourmothersresume, where she shares resume and job search tips. After all, necessity IS the mother of all invention.

Just over one year later, Chelsey is averaging around $3,000 per month. Best of all, she’s helped her clients build confidence in their job searches, change industries, even DOUBLE their salaries. And she’s done all that without any paid marketing.

Chelsey celebrated the first anniversary of Not Your Mother’s Resume on November 25 and says she’s confident it will continue to grow. After all, everyone and their mother needs a professional resume in this economy.



Inspiration is good; inspiration combined with action is better. Now get back to work! Yours in the revolution, cg-sig-newsletter
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Quote of the Day
"Be careful of who you accept advice from. Some people will discourage your idea because they've never started anything on their own."
—Chelsey Opare-Addo #SideHustleSchool

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To infinity and beyond,

Chris Guillebeau